Friday, September 9, 2022

Questions-answers ('Frankenstein')

     Hello friends, I'm writing this blog as an assignment by The Department of English, MKBU. Here, I'm writing few questions and it's answers about 'Frankenstein'.

1)Why was Victor not able to accept his dream experiment and its result?

    Victor had lost many close people in his life so he had to develop a science that can make a man. That is why he created a creature. But his creation turned out to be something different than what he thought. This creation he made was very ugly and horrible. People were afraid of him, even Victor was afraid of his creation. In the end Victor lost every one of his relatives because of his creation which was his dream. 

2)What made the creature a Monster? 

       The creature is just in society trying to do the right things, but his physical appearance was rejected by the people, even his creator Victor himself. He is largely a compassionate character. He is a vegetarian, he helps bring firewood to the peasant family he lives near, and he teaches himself to read. Yet the constant rejection he suffers by strangers and his master. Driven by his isolation and misery, the creature turns to violence. Which resulted in the creature having to become a monster. 

3)Who is suffering from deformity in the novel?

       Victor and Monster both are suffering from deformity. One had the deformity of being judgemental and another had deformity of appearance. 

       Victor is a person who wants to take a God like position, That he was doing what he should never have done. He made a wrong decision without thinking about his future and due to which he had lost everything in his life. If Victor had been willing to give the creature a chance, there is a large possibility that he would never have killed a young boy, Elizabeth, or sought to get revenge on Victor. Victor would still be alive at the end of the story if he made the right judgment. 

       On the other hand, the monster was constantly shunned by society because of his physical appearance. He is a ugly and scary. This look was not his fault, it was artificially given to him. Victor and every other character in the novel treat the creature horribly, by neglecting and attacking him due to his questionable outward appearance. This deformity took the lives of many people. 

4)Can appearance overpower reality?

     Shelley suggests that appearances can indicate someone's inner self, but only because society inevitably reacts to beautiful people in a way that makes them able to be good and to ugly people in a way that makes them turn out evil. 

     The monster is originally kind and sensitive and wants nothing more than to be loved and accepted, it is surrounded by people who judge it as evil because of its terrible appearance. The monster is isolated and demonized by human society, and soon becomes embittered and enraged at his treatment. Eventually, the monster becomes a killer, not from a criminal thirst to hurt, but from a desire for revenge against Victor and all of humanity for rejecting him. 


 5) Villain in 'Frankenstein'.

     By physical description, the creature is a villain but he is just a mistreated outcast in society trying to do the right things, but according to me, Victor is the real villain of this novel. Victor's hostility towards the creature, obsession with creating life and the yearnings for a god like status and power, all reveal the inner villain Victor possesses. Victor is a real villain who destroys his life while the creature is just an outcast in society who yearns for affection and acceptance.Victor's selfishness is what ultimately destroyed him and others as well. 


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