Monday, September 26, 2022
Youth festival 2022
Sunday, September 18, 2022
Thinking activity: Victorian Era(Macaulay)
Hello readers, This blog is based on the work given by Yesha ma'am from the Department of English, MKBU to reflect our literary and critical skills on Victorian Era. Here I have tried to write about great victorian poet, Essayist, politician and historian Thomas Babington Macaulay.
Friday, September 16, 2022
Absalom and Achitophel
Hello readers, I'm writing this blog as an assignment by the Department of English, MKBU. Here, I'm trying to give an overview of the classical poem of John Dryden Absalom and Achitophel. I am also trying to discuss about Absalom and Achitophel as political satire.
Overview of the poem:
'Absalom and Achitophel' is a satirical poem, which also includes the Bible story. It is an allegorical work. 'Absalom and Achitophel' by John Dryden was published in 1681. A poem written in heroic couplet and in iambic pentameter, it was written in AABB rhyme scheme. Here, we find themes like sin, temptation, punishment, fall, etc. A lot of Rebellion has also been shown in this poem. For example, in the Monmouth rebellion (1685), The Popish plot(1678) and The Exclusion crisis.
The story of charles ll is very similar to the story of king david. In this story Israel is england and french instead of Egypt.
David is representing Charles ll,
Absalom is representing the duke of monmouth,
Achitophel is representing the earl of shaftesbury.
A poem begins with Israel. This is the story of a Holi time. At that time it was not considered a sin to have more than one marriage. It means, the man who used to have many wives and many mistresses too. The king of Israel is King David, who has no children by a legal wife, but King David has an illegitimate child named Absalom. He is a very handsome boy. David's wife's name is Michael. Apart from being a handsome boy, his face shines in such a way that once the moon becomes shy. Absalom is such a humble and so kind person. Absolam had every quality that a king should have. But Absolam was an illegitimate child, he could not become a king. Here the monarchy rule has been shown, that is, only the son of the king will become the king and he should also be legal, should have real blood. Absolam was his son but not of his legal wife. Absolam was the son of a mistress of David. Absolam had all the qualities that a king or a prince should have, and this is the reason why the people of Israel loved Absalom very much. Since the Absalom was an elected child, both the public's favor and sympathy were available to the Absalom, and the benefit of this is to the Achitophel.
Achitophel was a man of sharp mind, conspiracy, floating and planning. Achitophel is the type of character whose only aim is fame, praise, appreciation etc. Not only this, Achitophel had a habit of listening to his praise that he used to keep only soldiers around him who could praise him falsely.
Achitophel hated King David very much so Achitophel starts provoking Absolam. Achitophel makes Absalom the pawn of his trick, but Absalom was not going to fall into his trap so easily. Because Absolam loved his father King David very much, even David was very fond of Absolam. David had many illegitimate children, out of which David was most dear to Absolam. Achitophel was also not one to give up, his aim was to remove King David from the throne. And so he decided to take absolam on his side because the people of Israel, both jews and jebusites loved Absalom. Achitophel started the flattering work of Absalom. He says that your father is old now and all the people see their future in you. You are the only one who can live up to the expectations of the people.
The jews choose their new king every 20 years and so Achitophel was attacking at the right time. Absalom was adamant on his point, he did not want to go against his father. But Achitophel again says that why God has given you so much quality, to become a king.
On this side it was announced that after David, his brother would become king. And he is royal too, but he does not like jews and hence Absalom seems that if I was royal too, I could have become king too. Achitophel says that all jews want Absalom to be a king.
Now, one thing to think about is why achitophel wants to make Absolam the king? His selfishness is hidden behind him. When Absolam becomes king, he will choose the same thing as Achitophel says because he is doing a lot to make Absalom king, even praising Absalom in front of jews, which will increase the popularity of Absalom. Achitophel will rule over Israel after the Absalom is established because whatever he says, Absalom will do the same.
Absalom ruins all the planning of Achitophel. He says that his father is a good and loyal king, he does not like bloodshed like me, he wants to do any work peacefully. But Achitophel again says that all the jews want Absalom to become the king. And coming to this point, Absalom is ready to fight with his father, but still some people are loyal to King David, and one of them told King David that your son is ready to fight against you.
A fight is suppressed before fighting, because Absalom tried but did not try with all his heart. And finally King David says that all the jews know that his only King is David.
Absalom and Achitophel as political satire:
Absalom and Achitophel is one of the most important satires of the Restoration, it is also a good example of indirect satire which means that the author uses a story and characters that are not apparently connected with his own time, but that hide another story related to political events in Dryden's England. The poem functions in the same way as an allegory, in the sense that the reader has to discover the real story behind the one that is explicitly told. Dryden supported the monarchy, but he was also critical of Charles II. Note how the poem manages to negotiate between support and criticism. Dryden issued forth the poem not only to praise the King, but to validate his actions and to destroy his opponents.
The only intention of Dryden to write this poem was to support King Charles II. The King himself asked Dryden to write a poem satirizing the Whig party and particularly its leader Shaftesbury. Dryden was also supporter of Tory. He was called Staunch Tory. He used satire very strictly for that people who were against the King Charles II and made plan to dethrone him.
First, Dryden attacked Earl of Shaftesbury. With his brilliant tricks he represented Shaftesbury as hypocrite. We found Shaftesbury a smooth talker and with his this capability, he convinced Duke of Monmouth to go against his father.
Dryden also attacked Protestant group. The Protestant group was in fear that if James, the brother of King Charles II, came to the throne then Roman Catholics would be beneficial and would be in power. Here, it is notable that James, the Duke of York was thought to be a follower of Pope of Roman Catholic. Instead, Protestants wanted to see the Duke of Monmouth in the throne of England. In Absalom and Achitophel, Dryden tried to show the traitorous activities of the Whig against their king
Monday, September 12, 2022
Thinking activity: The Tale of Tub
I'm writing this blog as an activity given by Kavisha ma'am from the Department of English, MKBU. It is about Creativity and Critical thinking.
Subject- Politics
Members- 3
We will perform this short drama as an activity. Here, we are trying to give an overview about how people are trusting in the Political parties and how they have lust only for position and money, even they don't think about normal people.
एक महान सभ्यता।
इसे कभी सोने की चिड़िया कहा जाता था। जिसे कभी अंग्रेजो ने लुटा। और ७५ साल से हमारे ही देश के पॉलिटीशियन इसे लूट रहे है।
आज हमारा देश इतना खोखला हो चुका है की हमे रोटी देनेवाला किसान आज खुद भूखा सोता है।
इन सब का कारण है महंगाई, आखिर इस महंगाई का उत्तरदायित्व कौन है?
अमीर और अमीर होता जा रहा है, गरीब सड़क पर आ गए हैं।
दुनिया का सबसे बड़ी जुपडपट्टी हमारे देश में है।
लोग आज भी ट्रेन और बसों में जानवरों की तरह धक्के खाते हैं।
राशन की दुकानों पर घंटों लाइन में खड़े रहते हैं। बच्चे अभी भी सिग्नल पर भीख मांगते हैं।
क्यूं? सब कुछ है हमारे पास। लेकिन फिर भी हमारी गिनती पिछड़े हुए देशों में की जाती है।
इसके पीछे तीन कारण जवाबदार है:
१) पहले वह लोग जो इमानदारी से अपना काम नहीं करते।
२) दूसरे वह लोग जो ईमानदारी से काम करने वालों को रोकते हैं।
३) तीसरे वह लोग जो अपनी position और अधिकार का गलत फायदा उठाते हैं और देश को लूट कर अपना पेट भरते हैं।
बड़े बड़े ही अफसोस के साथ मुझे एक कहना पड़ रहा है कि एक चपरासी से लेकर ऊपर तक सब लोग भ्रष्टाचारी हो चुके हैं।
हर 1 साल के बाद सब कोई प्रधानमंत्री बनता है, तो लोगों के दिल में एक विश्वास होता है। यह अच्छा नेता है, यह हमारा भविष्य
सुधारेगा, यह अच्छी सरकार बनाएगा, लेकिन हर बार, हर बार हमें निराशा होती है और हर बार हमारे साथ धोखा होता है।
कोई भी देश परफेक्ट नहीं होता, उसे परफेक्ट बनाना पड़ता है, और हम बदलेंगे उसे।
Friday, September 9, 2022
Questions-answers ('Frankenstein')
Hello friends, I'm writing this blog as an assignment by The Department of English, MKBU. Here, I'm writing few questions and it's answers about 'Frankenstein'.
1)Why was Victor not able to accept his dream experiment and its result?
Victor had lost many close people in his life so he had to develop a science that can make a man. That is why he created a creature. But his creation turned out to be something different than what he thought. This creation he made was very ugly and horrible. People were afraid of him, even Victor was afraid of his creation. In the end Victor lost every one of his relatives because of his creation which was his dream.
2)What made the creature a Monster?
The creature is just in society trying to do the right things, but his physical appearance was rejected by the people, even his creator Victor himself. He is largely a compassionate character. He is a vegetarian, he helps bring firewood to the peasant family he lives near, and he teaches himself to read. Yet the constant rejection he suffers by strangers and his master. Driven by his isolation and misery, the creature turns to violence. Which resulted in the creature having to become a monster.
3)Who is suffering from deformity in the novel?
Victor and Monster both are suffering from deformity. One had the deformity of being judgemental and another had deformity of appearance.
Victor is a person who wants to take a God like position, That he was doing what he should never have done. He made a wrong decision without thinking about his future and due to which he had lost everything in his life. If Victor had been willing to give the creature a chance, there is a large possibility that he would never have killed a young boy, Elizabeth, or sought to get revenge on Victor. Victor would still be alive at the end of the story if he made the right judgment.
On the other hand, the monster was constantly shunned by society because of his physical appearance. He is a ugly and scary. This look was not his fault, it was artificially given to him. Victor and every other character in the novel treat the creature horribly, by neglecting and attacking him due to his questionable outward appearance. This deformity took the lives of many people.
4)Can appearance overpower reality?
Shelley suggests that appearances can indicate someone's inner self, but only because society inevitably reacts to beautiful people in a way that makes them able to be good and to ugly people in a way that makes them turn out evil.
The monster is originally kind and sensitive and wants nothing more than to be loved and accepted, it is surrounded by people who judge it as evil because of its terrible appearance. The monster is isolated and demonized by human society, and soon becomes embittered and enraged at his treatment. Eventually, the monster becomes a killer, not from a criminal thirst to hurt, but from a desire for revenge against Victor and all of humanity for rejecting him.
5) Villain in 'Frankenstein'.
By physical description, the creature is a villain but he is just a mistreated outcast in society trying to do the right things, but according to me, Victor is the real villain of this novel. Victor's hostility towards the creature, obsession with creating life and the yearnings for a god like status and power, all reveal the inner villain Victor possesses. Victor is a real villain who destroys his life while the creature is just an outcast in society who yearns for affection and acceptance.Victor's selfishness is what ultimately destroyed him and others as well.
Thursday, September 8, 2022
Thinking activity: Frankenstein
On 1st August 2022, we had a movie screening of Mary shalley's Frankenstein directed by Kenneth Branagh. Here, I'm writing a movie review of 'Frankenstein' and some questions about Mary shalley's novel 'Frankenstein'.
->Movie review:
Directed by
Kenneth Branagh
Helena Bonham Carter
as Elizabeth
Kenneth Branagh
as Victor
Tom Hulce
as Henry
Robert De Niro
Victor left his home for further education. He promised to Elizabeth, his stepsister, that he will marry her. In university city Frankenstein learns the secrets of preserving life from professor woldman.
Eventually, Victor became so inclose with his concept that the perfect creation of man that would be superior to human beings from every way. Unfortunately, Frankenstein fell to consider the consequences of this undertaking which is to find everything went wrong similarly.
'what have I done'
After too much struggle Frankenstein made a creature. He took body parts from many other dead bodies and stitched them. That's why this creature became too ugly and scary. Victor was afraid of his creation and kept coming back to his city. The creature was left alone. When the Creature went out, all the people became afraid of him and started beating him. The creature didn't understand anything. He saved his life at all costs and left there and came to a forest.
On the other hand, Victor announced his marriage to Elizabeth and gradually he started living his life. On this side, the creature saw a family in the forest, where the creature secretly helped them continuously and observed the people's speech and living conditions and learnt to speak from them. He developed intimacy with people, here he learnt that the One who created us is called our Lord.
'He never gave me a name'
'He was my Father'
He realized that Victor is his god but Victor has left him here alone so the creature went to find Victor to take revenge.
Thus, we can say that a young scientist, Victor Frankenstein, driven by vanity and thirst for knowledge, manages to give life to a creature whom he assembled from dead material. The creation of the creature backfired on Victor once the monster escaped. Victor’s life became obsessed with the monster because he could not control his creation. In the end, Victor lost everything from his pursuit to push science and limit of human knowledge.
Frankenstein shows the issue that can come from technological and scientific advancement. It can be too much for human’s to control causing a spiral downward. I think that this book shows how important it is to understand the advancement of Science and Technology. A huge part of the novel is the fact that Victor is not able to adapt to his creation. He did not take care of the monster or provide him with a partner. He brought the monster to life, but in the end, victor could not control his creation and he lost his everything.
I write another blog about questions - answers of 'Frankenstein' given by yesha ma'am, I'm attaching it here.
Questions-Answers (Frankenstein)(Click here)
Hello readers, I'm writing this blog as an Assignment on Paper number 109(Literary Theory & Criticism and Indian Aesthetics) assign...
Hello readers, I'm writing this blog as an assignment given by the Department of English, MKBU. In this post, I will be exploring the id...
Hello readers, This blog is based on the work given by Yesha ma'am from the Department of English, MKBU to reflect our literary an...